Find out more about my services below
Find out more about my services below
My Services
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Financial Overviews

Review processes, reports, find efficiencies, verify effective accounting procedures.

Outsourcing Accounting Services

Want CPA advisory services, but do not want to pay for an in-house CPA with benefits, call me.


Personal and business tax return preparation by a licensed CPA.

Budgeting for your Business

Review and help create budgets for your business goals. Increasing bottom line, planning for future expansions, let me help you realize your business goals!

Preparing documents for parties outside your Business

Need documents for lenders, banks, government agencies? I can help you provide the relevant information you need to keep your business growing, compliant and moving forward.

New Business Set-Up

Are you starting a new business? Need help understanding how to get the "books" set up? Let me help you start on the right foot and avoid back tracking for taxes or financials institutions.
Needing something you do not see listed, please contact me to discuss. If I am not able to help you, we will work together to get you the help needed.